DEST button
► Address Book
Select an address stored in your address book to use as the destination.
1. Select your user name.
2. Select your destination from the list.
3. Set the route to your destination.
► Select or
to display only
the entries in a category: ALL,
categories you have created.
If you have PIN-protected your address book, enter your PIN when prompted. Select OK. PINs are optional.
You can select New Address on the Select an address screen to add an entry to the address book.
To switch the list between User 1 or User 2, select the user name on the top right of the screen.
Steering Angle Sensor Replacement
SRS components are located in this area. Review the
SRS component locations and the
precautions and procedures.
NOTE: Do not damage or drop the combination switch as the steering angle ...
Driving to Your Destination
This section describes how to follow the route guidance to your destination,
choose the icons displayed on the map screen. ...
Front Brake Caliper Overhaul
Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition,
could be hazardous to your health.
Avoid breathing dust particles.