Calculate the route from the map of the destination address.
Select Calculate the Route.
► The system calculates and displays the route line on the map screen.
“Display Destination Map” (when
en route)
Taillight Replacement
Open the tailgate and remove the maintenance lid.
Disconnect the connectors (A) from the taillights (B).
"Honda_SymbolMar ...
Valve Body and ATF Strainer Removal (A/T)
Remove the ATF feed pipe (A) from the regulator valve body (B).
Remove the ATF feed pipes (C) (D) from the servo body (E).
Remove the ATF strainer (F) (two bolts).
Steering Angle Sensor Replacement
SRS components are located in this area. Review the
SRS component locations and the
precautions and procedures.
NOTE: Do not damage or drop the combination switch as the steering angle ...