There are several methods you can use to change the route destination.
Steering Gearbox Removal and Installation
Special Tools Required
Ball Joint Thread Protector, 14 mm 071AF-S3VA000
Ball Joint Thread Protector, 10 mm 07AAF-SECA120
Universal Lifting Eyelet 07AAK-SNAA120
1.8 Support Bolt 07AAK-SNAA500 ...
Transmission End Cover Air Check Valve Inspection and Replacement (A/T)
There are two types of the transmission end cover; the type A and the
type B; and both types are available.
The differences between the types A and B of the end covers are:
Tire Labeling
The tires that came on your vehicle have a number of markings. Those you should
be aware of are described below.
Tire Size
Whenever tires are replaced, they should be replaced with tires of the ...