AUDIO button (
Adjust the sound bass, treble, fader, and balance. In addition, you can set Speedsensitive Volume Compensation (SVC).
1. Select the tab to adjust the desired sound mode.
2. Adjust the desired level.
Fader adjusts the front-to-back strength, while balance adjusts the side-to-side strength.
The SVC has four modes: Off, Low, Mid, and High. SVC adjusts the volume level based on the vehicle speed. The faster you go, the audio volume increases. As you slow down, the audio volume decreases. If you feel the sound is too loud, choose Low, and vice versa.
Command Help
For “Command Help” menu items, all voice
commands that are available for that
system are listed.
Select Read to hear the commands in the
list read aloud.
Voice Commands ...
USB Commands
USB play
USB play track # (#: 1 to 30)
USB skip forward
USB skip back
USB track random*
USB track repeat*
USB track scan*
USB folder up
USB folder down
USB folder random*
USB folder repeat*
Tire Labeling
The tires that came on your vehicle have a number of markings. Those you should
be aware of are described below.
Tire Size
Whenever tires are replaced, they should be replaced with tires of the ...