The navigation system provides map coverage for the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
The map coverage consists of accurately mapped (verified) metropolitan areas and a less accurate (unverified) rural database.
Note that unverified areas are constantly being reviewed and converted to verified areas each year.
Map coverage update information is available from Honda Automobile Customer Service or online at
To find navigation system update information:
1. Visit
2. Enter your vehicle model and model year.
3. Click Map Coverage to display a list of verified coverage areas on the most recent update.
4. Click Map Coverage Details to display a PDF document with a full listing of all coverage areas.
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M/T Differential Thrust Clearance Adjustment (M/T)
Special Tools Required
Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030100
Remove the left driveshaft side oil seal from the transmission housing.
If you remove the 80 mm shim (A) fro ...
Clutch Pedal Position Switch Replacement (With Cruise Control(M/T))
Disconnect the 2P connector (A) from the clutch pedal position switch
Loosen the locknut (C), then remove the clutch pedal position switch.
Install the clutch ...
Manual Transmission
The manual transmission is synchronized in all forward gears for smooth operation.
It has a lockout so you cannot shift directly from fifth to reverse. When shifting
up or down, make sure you pu ...