Before you begin driving your vehicle, you should know what gasoline to use and how to check the levels of important fluids. You also need to know how to properly store luggage or packages. The information in this section will help you. If you plan to add any accessories to your vehicle, please read the information in this section first.
Clutch Clearance Inspection (A/T)
Special Tools Required
Clutch Compressor Attachment 07ZAE-PRP0100
Inspect the clutch piston, the discs, the plates, and the end-plate for
wear and damage, and inspect the clutch wav ...
Important Safety Precautions
You’ll find many safety recommendations throughout this section, and throughout
this manual.
The recommendations on this page are the ones we consider to be the most important.
Always Wear Your ...
Technical Information
The diagrams in this section give you the dimensions and capacities of your vehicle
and the locations of the identification numbers. It also includes information you
should know about your vehicle ...