Honda Fit manuals

Honda Fit: Tailgate Handle Replacement


  1. Remove these items:

    • Tailgate lower trim panel

    • Rear license trim

  1. Disconnect the tailgate opener cable (A) from the tailgate handle (B), and remove the nuts. Take care not to kink the cable.

  2. Fastener Locations: Nut, 2AB6 x 1.0 mm9.8 Nح (1.0 kgfح, 7.2 lbfئt)
  1. From outside of the tailgate, pull out the tailgate handle (A), then remove it.

  2. A
  3. Install the handle in the reverse order of removal, and note these items:

    • Make sure the tailgate opener cable is connected securely.

    • Make sure the tailgate opens properly.

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