Honda Fit manuals

Honda Fit: Transmission End Cover ATF Feed Pipe Replacement (A/T)

  1. Remove the snap ring (A), the 3rd clutch feed pipe (B), and the feed pipe flange (C) from the end cover (D).

  1. Install a new O-ring (E) over the 3rd clutch feed pipe.

  2. Install the 3rd clutch feed pipe in the end cover by aligning the feed pipe tabs (F) with the indentations in the end cover.

  3. Install a new O-ring (G) in the end cover, then install the feed pipe flange over the 3rd clutch feed pipe.

  4. Secure the 3rd clutch feed pipe and the feed pipe flange with the snap ring.

  5. Remove the snap ring (H) and the feed pipe flange (I).

  6. Check the 4th clutch feed pipe (J) and the 2nd clutch feed pipe (K) for scoring and damage. Replace the end cover, if the feed pipe is scored or damaged.

  7. Install a new O-ring (L) over the 4th clutch feed pipe.

  8. Install a new O-ring (M) in the end cover, then install the feed pipe flange over the 4th clutch feed pipe.

  9. Secure the 4th clutch feed pipe and the feed pipe flange with the snap ring.

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